Ordinance No. 6778 authorizes a temporary waiver of the non-refundable permit application fee for Right-of-way Use permits applied for by restaurants to temporarily allow outdoor seating for patrons. This waiver will be effective until September 15, 2020 or until the City enters Phase 4 of the Governor’s Safe Start plan, whichever comes first.
King County applied for a modification to the uses allowed under Phase 1 of the Governor’s Safe Start Plan on June 3, 2020. If approved, the modification will allow restaurants to utilize outdoor seating with appropriate social distancing requirements. Many of our downtown restaurants do not have adequate private property to provide enough area for outdoor seating to meet the social distancing requirements and provide enough customers to make opening of the restaurant feasible.
Following discussion with stakeholders, the City is developing minimum requirements to allow the use of certain public right-of-way to include sidewalks, parking lanes, and alleys for this purpose on a temporary basis. Waiver of the fees would allow restaurant businesses already impacted financially by COVID-19 to apply for and receive a permit that may assist them in keeping their businesses viable. Community Development staff are developing a process to address the use of private property for these purposes as well. |