Agenda Subject:
Vision 2050 Update (Tate) (10 Minutes)
September 3, 2019
Attachment A - Auburn's Vision 2050 SEIS Response
PowerPoint Presentation
Budget Impact:
Current Budget: $0
Proposed Revision: $0
Revised Budget: $0
Administrative Recommendation:
For information only.
Background for Motion:
Background Summary:

The Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) is conducting an update of their long range planning document, updating VISION 2040 to VISION 2050. This update revisits the program identified in the VISION 2040 plan, and makes updates to account for actual growth, changes in our demography and economy, and identifies a path for jurisdictions to contribute to the goals and overall health of Central Puget Sound.

History of PSRC Vision 2050:

PSRC was established in 1956, and became the region’s designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) which is responsible for regional planning for the distribution of federal and state transportation fund, and also serves as the region’s administrator of Washington’s Growth Management Act. VISION 2050 started work in 2017, including a State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) finding of significance for updating from VISION 2040 which was declared in 2018. By Spring 2019 a Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) was issued, evaluating three alternative scenarios with which to center planning, citing a preferred alternative of focusing growth in high capacity transit areas. The draft document is out for review and comment now, with the public comment period ending September 16, 2019.

Reviewed by Council Committees:
 Other: Community Development
Councilmember: DaCorsi Staff: Tate
Meeting Date: September 9, 2019 Item Number: