Agenda Subject:
Airport Advisory Board 2018 Annual Work Plan (Snyder) (15 Minutes)
December 28, 2017
Community Development & Public Works
Recommended Airport Advisory Board 2018 Annual Work Plan
Budget Impact:
Current Budget: $0
Proposed Revision: $0
Revised Budget: $0
Administrative Recommendation:
City Council to review, discuss and provide potential concurrence on Airport Advisory Board 2018 Annual Work Plan
Background for Motion:
Background Summary:

At its December 20, 2017 meeting, the Airport Advisory Board passed a motion recommending to the Council the Board’s 2018 Annual Work Plan that is presented in the attached memorandum. Work plans serve two important key functions for an advisory body to the City Council such as the Airport Advisory Board. First, a work plan will assist an advisory body in insuring that it is efficient in the conduct of its work. As a volunteer body, an advisory body should strive to maximize its time together and with staff to satisfy its advisory responsibilities to the City Council. Second, a work plan is an important communication tool to the City Council, staff and interested parties about the focuses of the advisory body during the upcoming calendar year. Work plans do not need to be overly detailed, but should present enough information to provide clear guidance as to what the advisory body would like to work on. In addition, the number of work tasks should not be excessive and should be reasonably tied back to the advisory body’s s overall availability and ability to complete its advisory responsibilities.

During the Municipal Services Special Focus Area portion of the City Council’s January 8, 2018 study session, the Board chairperson supported by staff will present and discuss the recommended 2018 Annual Work Plan. If appropriate, the Council may wish to consider concurring with the Board’s recommended work plan or modifying the work plan to more accurately reflect the Council’s needs and expectations for the advisory work of the Board in 2018.  

Reviewed by Council Committees:
Councilmember: Staff: Snyder
Meeting Date: January 8, 2018 Item Number: