Agenda Subject:
Photo Enforcement: School Zone Safety Cameras (Gaub)(15 Minutes)
February 18, 2022
Public Works
School Zone Beacons Locations Maps
Verra Mobility Contract
Budget Impact:
Current Budget: $0
Proposed Revision: $0
Revised Budget: $0
Administrative Recommendation:
For discussion only.
Background for Motion:
Background Summary:
This discussion will focus on addressing questions and feedback heard from Councilmembers at the February 14th Council Study Session presentation regarding the proposed school zone photo speed enforcement program. This current discussion will provide additional information regarding school zone locations, crash history in Auburn’s school zones, alternatives to automated cameras for speed enforcement, a review of the revenues and expenditures of Auburn’s previous photo enforcement program, the cost neutral approach and contract terms of the currently proposed program, preliminary results of the speed studies conducted for the currently proposed program, and next steps. Additionally, the contract with the proposed vendor to provide the photo enforcement system has been included in the agenda packet.
Reviewed by Council Committees:
Councilmember: Stearns Staff: Gaub
Meeting Date: February 28, 2022 Item Number: