Agenda Subject:
Resolution No. 5593 (Comeau)(20 Minutes)
May 5, 2021
Resolution No. 5593
Exhibit A
Budget Impact:

Administrative Recommendation:
For discussion only.
Background for Motion:
Background Summary:

The City provides animal control related services to residents through a contract with the Auburn Valley Humane Society (AVHS).  That contract provides that AVHS shall determine the prices for its services, and allows for periodic City review of AVHS prices to ensure they are competitive. 

Pursuant to this contract, the City has reviewed the AVHS current price schedule and proposed revised price schedule to take effect on 7/1/21 (both are included in Exhibit A, attached to Resolution 5593).  Upon review, the City believes that AVHS prices are competitive, with the exception of its current 6th and subsequent animal impound charges.  Currently, those impound prices are substantially higher than those charged by other localities for similar services.  In its proposed revised fee schedule, AVHS proposes to substantially reduce those fees by 7/1/21, bringing them to within a competitive price range.  The City supports AVHS adoption of its proposed revised fee schedule, and further supports its adoption prior to 7/1/21, to the extent practicable.  

The City supports the adoption of Resolution 5593

Reviewed by Council Committees:
Councilmember: Baggett Staff: Comeau
Meeting Date: May 10, 2021 Item Number: